Sunday, January 28, 2007

I’m alone, like always im distracted for no reason. My mine is going numb of all the stillness, my worlds a still picture with clocks ticking away faster than most rpm meters im the world. As my exams approach I get the same gut feeling ppl usually call over-confidence, where u feel u know everything there is 2 know but the thought is as true as saying the sun rises in the west… I feel the loneliness bite… really really hard but then the thought of ppl comes 2 my mind, those some who r irritating, getting on ur nerves or those around whom u don’t feel comfortable, or even those who have let u down always, then I ask myself do I really want them around just 2 make living all the more difficult than it already seems 2 be, making it more pointless than it already is…. The answers flood in like a stampede of wild jungle animals
Yes u need them, they let u feel alive,
No u don’t need then ur happier alone, u and yourself, the perfect pair.
Maybe someone who will understand u the way u want 2 be understood, naaaa such a person doesn’t exists in this world,
Well u need ppl around…. For what???
Will lots of money solve this problem… yes definitely,
Or maybe not? NO it will keep u company but of a different sort one that will be proportional 2 the money u spend
Then again ur friends are the one who are the ppl close 2 u, with them u can share ur thoughts and feelings, ur grief and happiness…

I’m in a confused state of mind maybe I just should take in whatever dosage it comes in wtever form it comes, as long as it keeps comin………

QUOTATION's - by Aditya (Me)

-We are all part of a puzzle in someones life. U may never know where u fit, but some1's life may never be complete without u.™ ♥

- ever wondered what happens when an IRRESISTIBLE force meets an UNMOVABLE object ?!

- So many people are trying to be different that the ‘normal’ have become the 'different'

-When people can expect something extraordinarily GOOD to happen to you, y is it so surprising if some thing extraordinarily BAD happens..??

- counting the no of times u done drugs, sex etc is similar to the binary no. of computers,
The difference between 1 and 0 is everything, but there is nothing after 1.

- death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

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