Friday, August 17, 2007


Every single day is a new day… every night is an end and day break a new beginning.

The past is a puzzle,
Like a broken mirror,
As you try to put pieces together,
Your image keeps shifting,
You cut yourself and still you never see the real picture.
-Max Payne

I am done wining on the past, dwelling on the gone years, days and hours, its gone and nothing I do is gonna recast what has happened. No matter I how much time I spend thinking, reanalyzing the alternative ways things could have turned out nothing ever happens, the past is still the same, the present is still unaltered, the future still unascertained.

The past just goes on, flowing away like a river, unstoppable. It keeps flowing unchanged by the hurdles it encounters; it just keeps its flow, over the stones or around them, stopping for none and no one. One way or the other it just keeps flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing…

Now every day is a new day, a new beginning. Another chance to put our act together and accomplish those things we don’t want to do but have to be done to achieve the greater goals we wish to accomplish, the things we really want.

Every night is an end to give way for a new beginning. 5 min to learn the new lessens the ones we learn every day. If Ur not learning anything Ur not working hard enough.

Monday, August 13, 2007

office fun...

heres how to have some fun at ur usuall boring office...

Everybody hates Mondays – now more than ever.
n Slap a Post-it note on a coworker’s computer while he’s gone with “Pay fixer.” “Buy cocaine,” or “itch cream.” (+1)
n Wrench off the W, K, E and Q keys from a co-worker’s keyboard. Glue the enter key down. (+1)

n Go in to a coworker’s Auto Correct function in Microsoft Word and change minor words like “the” and “and” to “sucknuts” and “vomit” (+5)

n Put a large bottle of Isabgol in the fridge, with an angry note that says “DON’T TOUCH – THIS MEANS YOU” and sign it with coworker’s initial. (+2)
n Anytime anyone asks where someone is, even if they’re in the seminar room or using the bathroom, respond, “I don’t know. He went to lunch, like, three hours ago.”(+2)

Nobody expects professional Armageddon on a Tuesday.
n If a coworker is late, joke that he must have been “drinking till morning”. (+1)
n E-mail a member of your team regarding a missed deadline, or some other small error and cc his manager. (+2)

n Start a fight with a coworker over e-mail and then delete your responses. Send a shocked reply and cc your boss. (+5)

n During a meeting, undermine your peer by cutting him off with, “Wow, I had that same idea!” (+2)
n Blow by a coworker’s desk and shout, “Stop digging your nose.” (+3)

n Start a blog with a coworkers name for URL. “Expose” corruption in the office. (+5)

n Send an e-mail to HR from your coworker’s computer mouthing off your boss. (+4)
n Start a rumour around the water cooler about a coworker on any of the following topics: “So-and-so is divorcing.” “So-and-so is in trouble with the Income Tax.”(+5)

Hump Day... only now you’ll actually be screwing someone over.
n During meetings, laugh extra hard at a coworker’s mediocre joke. When asked later tell people you felt sorry for her because she’s just out of rehab. (+1)
n Publicly ask a coworker, over and over throughout the day, if he’s “feeling OK.” (+1)

n Replace one of your coworker’s family desk photos with grainy but clear
pictures of fat Sri Lankans. (+5)

n Over the course of the day, slowly soak the carpet under your coworker’s chair with country liquor, preferably feni. (+2)
n Canvass the office for contributions to some charity and tell people that a certain colleague was too stingy to give any. (+3)

n Log into your e-mail remotely from home, late at night, and send some
meaningless work to coworkers – cc everyone, including the new VP. (+5)

n Leave a fake CV with a coworker’s name in the fax machine. Make sure a prior job on the resume is “RestObar, Kamatipuram.” (+2)
n Dump hundreds of MP3s on a coworkers server file, slowing the network. IT will have to go searching for the offender. (+5)
n Steal all the staplers and stash them around someone else’s desk. (+1)

The week is ending, so is someone’s reputation.
n Ask a manager if he’s seen a coworker. When the manager asks why, respond, “No reason. Nothing’s the matter. Why would anything be the matter?” (+1)
n Compliment the following useless talents: collating ability, colour copying, numerous smoke breaks, and persistent breaks to the restroom. (+1)

n Randomly ask a colleague, “Did you hear what (coworker’s name) said to that intern?” When the colleague responds, “No,” shake your head in horror. (+2)

n Tell a coworker, “So-and-so thinks you’re cute.” Tension builds as the coworker can’t figure out why the person doesn’t flirt back. (+2)
n Tell another colleague that “So-and-so”
fancies his wife. Better still if ‘so-and-so’ is another woman. Watch him tear his hair out. (+2)

TGIF – someone wins, everybody else eats it.
n Ignore Official Rules #5. (+5)
n Tell a coworker that a certain other coworker was in the restroom snorting either a powdered tablet or ... (+1)
n Pass the buck in public to an unsuspecting coworker by completing your request with the phrase, “There is no ‘I’ in the team.” If he makes even a tiny error, yell at him for half an hour. (+2)
n Anytime a coworker shows a photo of their husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend, remark on how happy you are they “finally found a way to work it out.” (+5)

n Bribe three random co-workers to stare at the new recruit and snigger every time he walks past. Also to point and laugh every time he bends down. Throw rupee coins on the floor so he bends over. (+3)
n Fake a fire drill and when everyone’s out, switch off their monitors and pull out the plugs from behind the hard drive. (+1)

Monday, August 6, 2007


Damn I am still alive! *Sigh* another day. The protraction…

The purpose of my life…

I am still finding the answer to the question that may not exist (maybe it shouldn’t exist*), but since its come up I decided to challenge myself to a riddle.

-What I want:

I want, want itself…
I want everything, but in a circle.
I want myself to deserve the things I want and get.

I don’t want $1,000,000,000,000
I don’t want to live for a 100 years,
I don’t want a palace for a home,
I don’t want to be treated like a prince.

I just want to be happy, free, and probably what I refer to as NORMAL.

(*shouldent exist: any body who asks the Q, his head should explode and reassemble and then explode again.)

QUOTATION's - by Aditya (Me)

-We are all part of a puzzle in someones life. U may never know where u fit, but some1's life may never be complete without u.™ ♥

- ever wondered what happens when an IRRESISTIBLE force meets an UNMOVABLE object ?!

- So many people are trying to be different that the ‘normal’ have become the 'different'

-When people can expect something extraordinarily GOOD to happen to you, y is it so surprising if some thing extraordinarily BAD happens..??

- counting the no of times u done drugs, sex etc is similar to the binary no. of computers,
The difference between 1 and 0 is everything, but there is nothing after 1.

- death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

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