Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wt did u really Ask???

Have u ever asked someone about their relationship history?
When u did what did you really want to find out? How much emotional baggage are they carrying? What was the probability of running into an Ex? Their history of sexual activity?
Or just what went wrong before?

There can be a different view of each answer, and each can be as tricky. Not asking the right question will not give u the right answer. Because
“In a relationship sometimes, U could be anchored without any physical relationship or not anchored at all even with a physical relationship.”

What running all over my mind right now is which is more a matter of concern. Of course to different people different things can matter. So in pursuit of the answer we desire to know we may need to ask the right question.

There are also people who have a blank slate for relationships history. To me even that can be a matter of concern. As tat could mean there is a confusion in the state of the persons. Is it fear, of being hurt or just being bound down tat keeps them a poles distance from any kind of emotional anchoring or is it a lack of insight to see thing move in steps, u just cant jump to the safe step, risk nd dare is a part of the growing process and it cannot be passed over.

Like I have said before, no one wants bad thing to happen to them. No one will get into anything thinking/knowing its going to hurt them, but as time passes thing change, people change, everything changes and an imprint of such changes is a aftermath of things not going as planned/foreseen. So what can u do about it? Carry on, make some more changes to accommodate the previous irregularities.

To be continued……….

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A tomorrow for tomorrow.

tomorrow is another day,
tomorrow never comes,
tomorrow never dies,
tomorrow is forever.

put all of them together and u will realize it basically means what is not today is in tomorrow, a day tat will never come. "Tomorrow" is a word we dont need. its just an illusion we create to put of wt we cannot complete today,now. fro every time we put something for tomorrow it just seem indefinitely postponed. positive or not something put off for 2moro will painful not happen for a long time.

today we stand to lose a lot in the Dog eat Dog world. Today before you can think of doing something some passes you who is all ready doing it.!! i put off many things for a lot of tomorrow's nd i have suffered for my own mistakes but still time and again thing appear to happen so easily in the illusion of time called tomorrow.

even to now as u and i think lets not do this again a thought passes "from 2mro I am gonna try not 2 put of things for tomorrow." - yes from tomorrow. not now. not today. but tomorrow. :)

is there an end to this TOMORROW?

Friday, June 19, 2009

well here i am again, signing into the blog, thinking now i have all the time in the world 2 write something. aftet so long this is a new piece on the blog, ya i had been busy or rather to lazy to actually write anything (who reads anyways).

but now again like once before (i am referring 2 the time i created the blog) i have a surge of emotions 2 use my rusting head and put it to whatever little strain that is needed 2 write about something. so here i am again thinking, remembering, ticking to write something.

in the past year tat i was not here i did have plenty to write about, i even started some pieces but i never got around to finishing those. now those incomplete quick motes i made on my "PDA" just lie there. i cant finish them now, its no use trying because most of these are results of emotional bursts on occurrence of various illogical evens inevitably ever so often. once the moment passes, well its over. so the next post is just those notes, incomplete, unedited, random. just for the heck of it. :)

incomplete Notes from when i was not here.


Hello world!! Bye world!! I don’t care world!!

What world? Huh ? what???

Hell with all the thinking about everything else exept what has 2 be thought about a.k.a.

!! ME !!

That’s whats happning with all the focus on finding the answers to all the questions of life, which even if answered probably wont save us the hard work of existing and living day as it comes and passes. In this chaos I have forgotten myself. No moer, not now not ever again am I gonna lose myself in this excessive clatter of voices in the so called ‘intelligent, superior being’ world (aint I a part of it?? Am trying not 2 be).

Calvin : sometimes I think the surest sign of intelligent life exists elsewhere is that they haven’t tried to contact us yet.


Don’t regret the decisions u made, because u made them…

Why do I regret doing sonethin I did, why do I regret saying what I said, why do I curse myself for making a choice.. why?? Why now?? Why did I not do what I wanted to when it could be done and hade to be ??? why now am I regretting now that which had to be done has been done and maybe nothing will change that now…

Well I faintly remember that what I did was done because then I had made a choice, I did think twice before it was done,

What was done was done with me in my senses, with my willingness and free will. I shouldn’t regret that which was done by me because then I thought it was the right thing… how can I call myself wrong when I know it maybe really is not…


I am what I am,

What I must be,

Not wt u want me 2 be,

But that which I am...

I live lost in the wonders of the free mind, powered by the sounds of expressive music. Crazy as it may sound life’s just an illusion, like a room full of crooked mirrors, moving and changing with every move u make, every decision u take, life is serious. In the most careless of ways. I drift through the nonsense of the world overflowed with thought and expression, exploding every instant to a proportion never imagined before. Wars are waged, battles are won, lives are lost and the dead celebrate their escapism from the physical forms inconsiderate of the aftermath of their doing and undoing. To catastrophic words and thoughts spoken the world breaks apart swallowing me whole, and its hunger remains...

QUOTATION's - by Aditya (Me)

-We are all part of a puzzle in someones life. U may never know where u fit, but some1's life may never be complete without u.™ ♥

- ever wondered what happens when an IRRESISTIBLE force meets an UNMOVABLE object ?!

- So many people are trying to be different that the ‘normal’ have become the 'different'

-When people can expect something extraordinarily GOOD to happen to you, y is it so surprising if some thing extraordinarily BAD happens..??

- counting the no of times u done drugs, sex etc is similar to the binary no. of computers,
The difference between 1 and 0 is everything, but there is nothing after 1.

- death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

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